Unlock Your Strength,
Independence, & Vitality
at Home with the Best
Personal Trainer in Omaha


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via In-Home,
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We come to you.

Go ahead and skip the gym!

No equipment?  NO PROBLEM!
We'll bring the equipment to you with
professional dumbbells, resistance bands, and more!

Hi, I'm Alex Schutzenhofer, a Health Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer in Omaha, Nebraska with over 20 years of experience in the field of wellness. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science, a membership with the American College of Sports Medicine, as well as extensive experience in the field of physical therapy, my expertise is a testament to my deep understanding of the human body and its potential.

Passionate about making a positive impact, I take pride in assisting individuals of all ages and health conditions on their wellness journeys. With a special focus on helping those in the later stages of their careers and individuals in the post-employment phase, I bring tailored guidance to help them embrace an active and fulfilling lifestyle. As a trusted partner, I'll walk alongside of you and your health goals, no matter where you are on your fitness path.

Meet Alex



Strength training is crucial because it not only empowers physical abilities but also fortifies mental resilience, enabling you to meet life's challenges with greater confidence and vigor.


Increasing mobility is essential for maintaining independence and overall well-being as it ensures freedom of movement and the ability to engage fully in daily activities.


Enhanced vitality is paramount for fostering a zest for life and the capacity to fully embrace its diverse experiences.

- Lisa, OMaha, NE.

"After my first child he helped me lose more than 40lbs. He is incredibly tolerant of my lack of enthusiasm for exercise and occasional/frequent cursing. He is as involved as you need/want him to be with meal ideas and even making the right choices at a restaurant if that is something you are interested in. Beyond that, he is a great person and has become a good friend over the years. If you're struggling with motivation, hiring someone to come to your home is the best thing you can do for yourself. 

"Alex is the best. I've been working
out with him for over seven years." 

- rebecca, Omaha, ne.

"There are no words to express how amazing Alex is! My family searched and searched for the perfect trainer to help my parents “keep the party going,” and he was the only one who fit our extremely high expectations! Since we hired him, several years ago, I recently began working out with him. I have suffered from eating disorders, body dysmorphia and an extremely intense workout ethic- no pain no gain! Within 12 sessions, I was able to lose 4% body fat and gain 7lbs lean mass! He also had me work on and start to correct my own destructive eating habits. He taught me to focus on why and what I was eating. He is incredibly knowledgeable with fitness, but also body science, body chemistry and awareness of what his clients truly need.  I have never felt better about myself or felt more like myself than I do now. I can only imagine how much better I will feel as I continue to work with him! He is definitely the trainer to see!"

"There are no words to express how amazing Alex is!" 

- krista, Omaha, NE.

"For years I lacked the mobility and energy that I needed in order to keep up with my very demanding career.  When I started working with him, I was able to finally maintain the stamina that I needed to get through the day.  I feel stronger and more energetic than I have in a long time!"

"Alex has transformed my life!"